Quality Goal


Quality Goal is a collection of individual metrics that helps to quantify the quality of an application. It is a basic quality management process to establish a set of quality objectives.

You can create a Quality Goal for your business having multiple Quality Objectives. Different Quality Objectives for a Goal can have definite numeric target or target measured in terms of completion status(yes or no). It is monitored based on Frequency which is set for that Goal.

  1. Go to the Quality Goal list, click on New.

  2. Enter a name for the goal.

  3. Select a Quality Procedure to be followed to achieve the Goal.

  4. Created By is the Person responsible for the creation of the Goal.

  5. Enter a Monitoring Frequency from 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', or 'Quarterly'. Select 'None' if no monitoring is needed. In the Objectives table, enter: