Employee Onboarding Process


In onboarding of an employee, there must be several activities an employee must undertake. Using this process, you can create Activities and set of tasks under these for every Job Applicant in the hiring process.

Note that you must have most Employee Master information before creating the Onboarding process.

To create a new Empoyee Onboarding process:

  1. Go to Human Resources. Under Employee Lifecycle, go to Employee Onboarding.

  2. Click New.

  3. Select the Job Applicant. Select Employee Onboarding Template.

  4. Fillup other necessary information.

  5. Click Save.

To create an Employee Onboarding Template,

  1. Go to: Human Resources > Employee Lifecycle > Employee Onboarding Template > New.

  2. Enter the Department, Designation and Employee Grade (optional).

  3. Mention the Activities for onboarding. For each Activity, you can also mention the User or Role, or one of it, to whom this Activity will be assigned.

Tasks and Assignments

On submission of the Employee Onboarding, a Project will be created. Within the Project, Tasks will also be created for each Activity.

Employee Creation

You can directly create an Employee through the Employee Onboarding doctype (if not already created) once all the mandatory onboarding tasks are complete.