Cost Centers in ERPNext


1. Log into your ERPNext account

2. Click on Accounting

3. Click on Cost Center and Budgeting > Chart of Cost Centers

A. Creating a New Account

  1. Select the group where you’d like to create the cost center under and Click on ‘New’ on the upper right hand area of the screen.

* Alternatively, you can also click on a parent cost center where you’d like to create the new cost center under. Then click on ‘Add Child

2. Enter the following:

    • Cost Center Name

    • Cost Center Number (if applicable)

    • Tick ‘Is Group’ if the cost center is a parent cost center (*Note that no entries can be posted to parent cost centers)

Select the appropriate Account Type (e.g. Payable for Accounts Payable)

3. Click on the newly created account and click on ‘Edit’

4. To change the cost center number, click on ‘Update Cost Center Number’ at the top

5. Save changes